Friday, December 23, 2011

Bedrest Day #3

Nasty mulligan day today.   I woke up around 1:30 AM with some light cramping, that came in waves.   I thought, well.. maybe these are surges, maybe my stomach just hurts.  I got up and it turned out to be a stomach virus, or perhaps food poisoning.  Andy woke up at the same time with the same symptoms.

Anyways, we spent most of the day sleeping, and trying to keep the liquids up.  Around 4:00 pm, I noticed I started bleeding, so yeah, we rushed to L&D.

They monitored my daughter for a little bit, there were some light contractions, but I wasn't in full blown labor.  They say the bleeding could be from the cervix, or the "bloody show" as they like to call it.   So it could be just a few days before she comes.  

I was told to just go home and lay down most of the time.  I'm really trying to keep this little girl growing, but I have a feeling she's going to be here soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bedrest Day #2

I love folding my little girl's clothes and blankets!  My mom bought me some preemie outfits, I hope that my daughter won't have to use them, but they are good to have.  Even Braedan was in preemie size for the first week.   They are so small!  I forgotten how small newborns are, and this one will probably be a small baby just like her big brother.   I'm so excited for this little girl!   I wonder if she'll have red hair like I did when I was born (then it all fell out, and I was bald for the longest time, then my hair was blonde until I was 8 or 9).  How cute would that be?  Or maybe she'll have dark hair at first like her big brother, that'll turn blonde like his after awhile.  She'll have blue eyes.. I know that for sure.   I payed attention in high school biology!! :)

I spent the day getting the laundry done between naps.  I slept until 11 this morning, which is so unlike me.  With Braedan at my parents, and trying to keep this little one growing inside, I feel justified in getting as much sleep in as possible.   I need to be prepared for the big day, whenever that is.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bedrest Day #1

Well today was the first day of my bedrest.  I guess technically it was yesterday.   I tried going into work yesterday, but had too many surges driving into work, and then lost the rest of my mucus plug.  I high-tailed it out of there, after having a good heart to heart with my friend Cristelle in the employee bathroom.  

At my 34 week check up, she measured great, which was a bit of a concern as the last two times she was measuring small, and I was afraid of her being diagnosed with IUGR.  IUGR babies are usually induced around 35-37 weeks typically, and I don't want to be induced (at least medically).

Well anyways.. let me back up some..   on Saturday we went to a funeral in Altamont, UT, which is near duchane, or about a couple hours from Vernal, UT.  It's a small little town that holds a lot history and memories for my husband's side of the family.   That morning, I noticed some dark spotting, didn't think much of it.  That day I started having surges, crampiness, and more spotting, but nothing to run to the hospital about.

The whole weekend I just kept in bed as best I could, hoping it'll go away.  It didn't, in fact, I was having surges while I slept!  That was new.

So fast forward to my 34 week check-up.  I explained I lost my mucus plug, and the surges, and the fact I walk around like a cowboy who's been riding for at least 12 hours.   Well.. she checks me, and I'm two centimeters dilated and 70% effaced.  Wow.. I'm 34 weeks!!  I really wasn't expecting this.

I was put on bedrest, hoping to make it to 37 weeks.   She could still come at 40 or 41 (or 42!!), and I'm doing everything I can to make sure she stays put until she's full term.  I do know that I told her she gets to choose her own birthday, and I'm starting to think she wants her birthday sooner than later.  That is the choice I gave her!

Today is Tuesday, and my mom came over with my son to help put my daughter's room together.  We got all of her clothes unpacked, and her car seat decorated (I'll have to upload pictures!).  We have to do some baby proofing in the room so my son (who's sharing the room, he's still debating if he likes that idea or not) doesn't get into the drawers when we start him on the toddler bed here soon.  We'll see how that goes.

A lot of surges today, but I've been a little more active then what I should be.   I'm planning on spending the rest of the evening laying in bed, or taking one of my dreamy warm baths (pretending of course, it's my large jacuzzi tub).  

Tomorrow I can officially deliver at American Fork Hospital if I have to.  That makes me happy, I don't want to birth at any hospital other than American fork.   She better hang on tight though, mommy is not ready to let her come out anytime soon.  But at least there is that peace of mind.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

25 Weeks!

Sorry for the delay, it’s been a crazy few days.   It’s funny how some weeks are just plain boring, and others are just so action packed.   Such is life I guess.

Well.. last week was productive, even though I missed my little guy!  From Friday- Sunday he stayed with my parents, so we can clean house.   Then from Sunday to Wednesday he stayed with Andy and his parents while Andy fixed the roof at his parents house.   Ugh.  I hate being away from him!   I love having my little buddy around, I missed him terribly!   I did manage to get the house fairly cleaned.   And that leads me to the hospital drama..

So on Wednesday, I finished cleaning, and I wouldn’t say it was super heavy cleaning, just picking things up, dishes, vacuuming, the usual housework stuff..  but when I used the bathroom, I noticed some pink spotting.  I didn’t think much of it, I was like.. perhaps I’m just dehydrated.   It’s my MISSION with this pregnancy to not get another UTI like last time, so I guzzled down some water and then kept cleaning.   Well then I ate some dinner, then used the bathroom again.   This time I noticed I was bleeding.   Ah crap!  Of course, being the over-emotional pregger woman that I am, I freaked out.   I’m only 24 weeks along, and I did not want her to come right now (please wait until 37 weeks at least baby girl for mommy’s nerves sake).   So I called Andy, and he was at least an hour to get back home, so I called my mom, and she picked me up and took me in.   They ran a bunch of tests on me, and monitored Tinkerbell for awhile.   She HATED the fetal monitoring!!  She kept kicking it away, so bad, in fact, that I had to hold it in place.   She was the talk of the nurses’ station, some nurses thought she dropping, but she really just kicked off the monitor.  They say she is super strong for a 24 weeker!

Well, they sent me home, saying if it happens again I should go back in.   So far so good.   My poor house I apologize in advance.   I can clean here and there, but for the most part I need to take it easy.   I figure after Christmas I can clean gung-ho again, and if my water breaks, then meh.   No big deal at that point.

I also went to a birthing luncheon this past Saturday hosted by my Hypnobirthing teacher Laura Curtis.   It was so amazing to meet with other Hypnobirthing moms, and to hear their stories!  I’m so excited for this next birth!  Call me crazy, but I’m SO looking forward to transition and pushing this time around.   Probably because this time I don’t get to be told WHEN to push, I can push when I feel the instinct.   Bring it on, I say! J   (not until at least 37 weeks baby.. don’t be too eager!)

It was great to see Laura again, too.   I was in her first Hypnobirthing class, and it was awesome to see her meet Braedan.   Andy and I decided to let her be our Doula for Tinkerbell’s birth.  Actually, it’s kinda funny, we were talking about having a doula, and we imagined how great it would be if Laura was a doula, because she can speak the scripts to me and I’ll be a melted mess of relaxed pregnant mama.   Then we found out she IS a doula.. so we are pretty excited about that.   With her by my side, with Andy, and the midwife (whoever is on call that day, I guess), I can have a super awesome natural unmedicated birth.  WOOT!!  All of my fears about the birth (of my husband abandoning me, the nurses cheerleading me on as I turn purple in the face, and being chained to the hospital bed from 3 centimeters to 10 centimeters) all went away.   I got the POWER!  Oh yeah.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tinkerbell's Ultrasound Video


24 Weeks!!

I'm thinking about making a rag quilt for Tinkerbell when she comes.  I've been pouring over fabric websites, tutorials, youtube videos.. I'm fairly confident I can build one.  I can sew straight lines fairly well.  Curvy lines.. well that's another story.  I would love for Tinkerbell to have a beautiful blanket sewn by her mommy.  Maybe it'll become her wubby.   My son carries around his soft blankets all the time, I think he's testing different wubbies out.  He loves his soft blankets!

Let's see.. Tinkerbell is super active, per normal.  I also listened for the first time in this pregnancy my HypnoBirthing scripts.  I'm very happy to report they work extremely well, I was immediately put into deep relaxation.  Now I just gotta get one of those clip-on MP3 players.  My ipod nano died on me a couple years ago, and I haven't replaced it yet.  

Still doing the nesting thing, although I'm starting to notice I'm getting tired out faster.. I'm determined to get the house organized before she comes, but the window of opportunity is closing.  Well.. we do what we can.

I'm starting to get stretch marks!!  My old ones from Braedan haven't come back up, but I noticed some new ones.  Tinkerbell is leaving her own trophies for me to keep.  Honestly, I think they are awesome, I love my mommy marks.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby Gender Party- IT'S A GIRL!!

So a few weeks ago we had our baby gender party, with a ducky "Waddle you be?" theme.

Playing Goofy Golf with the kids

Big Brother Braedan


Our delicious pink lemonade, that strangely had a fourth of July look to it..

The cake made by my brother-in-law Mike
Our poster

Grandma Snyder with Kya and Braedan

About to cut the cake..

It's a GIRL!!  Wooohoo!!

She already has pink stuff

Braedan likes the cake..

My sis-in-law reveals she's pregnant too!!  I get another niece/nephew soon!! YAY!!

Braedan rejoices in the fact he'll have a little sister.

Holding my friend Kris' baby girl.  Braedan will be a perfect big brother!